Loch-ness .... Big-foot .... Yeti ....
What is common in all of these ??
The human mind!!!
All these are said to be creatures which have been seen by humans throughout the course of our history . Some even provide photographic evidence of their existence . Inspite of this the scientific community continues to deny thier existence . Our biggest shortcoming lie in the fact that we believe science has progressed so much that it carries answers to all of the mysteries of the earth .
We often look for rational answers to everything but the problem is that sometimes we should have the humility to accept that there are things beyond the control of mankind .
Here I look at 5 mysterious and in some cases mythical creatures which really do exist in this world.
On November 12 1966 five men were digging a grave at a cemetery when they claimed that a man-like figure flew low from the trees over their heads.
During the next few days various sightings of the mothman was seen with many describing him as 7 feet tall with large wings and red eyes .
These sightings were normally seen near the Silver bridge area for a year which surprisingly collapsed on 15 December .
After this the sightings gradually faded leading to a legend with scientists found easy to reject .
However the sparse sightings of the mothman can still be seen with the above picture being taken in 2003 during one such sighting.
The mothman is believed to be an alien by some people while scientists ridicule such suggestions by saying it was nothing more than an owl with red eyes !!!
I guess I'll let you decide.
Batman enthusiasts !!! This is your proof..
The Batman really exists and blows up bridges !!!!!!.....OH ... I guess he's got so bored that he's doing the Joker's work for him...
What is common in all of these ??
The human mind!!!
All these are said to be creatures which have been seen by humans throughout the course of our history . Some even provide photographic evidence of their existence . Inspite of this the scientific community continues to deny thier existence . Our biggest shortcoming lie in the fact that we believe science has progressed so much that it carries answers to all of the mysteries of the earth .
We often look for rational answers to everything but the problem is that sometimes we should have the humility to accept that there are things beyond the control of mankind .
Here I look at 5 mysterious and in some cases mythical creatures which really do exist in this world.
5:- Mothman
During the next few days various sightings of the mothman was seen with many describing him as 7 feet tall with large wings and red eyes .
These sightings were normally seen near the Silver bridge area for a year which surprisingly collapsed on 15 December .
After this the sightings gradually faded leading to a legend with scientists found easy to reject .
However the sparse sightings of the mothman can still be seen with the above picture being taken in 2003 during one such sighting.
The mothman is believed to be an alien by some people while scientists ridicule such suggestions by saying it was nothing more than an owl with red eyes !!!
I guess I'll let you decide.
Batman enthusiasts !!! This is your proof..
The Batman really exists and blows up bridges !!!!!!.....OH ... I guess he's got so bored that he's doing the Joker's work for him...
4:-Morning Visitor
Filmed in South Queensland ,Australia by two researchers Jason Heal and Jason Dunn this creature is now being famously referred to as the morning visitor. The men set-up a camera and used a bag of apples as bait to lure the creature . The resulting image shows what appears to be a large ape like animal with glowing eyes as feasting on the apples behind the bushes .
Poor creature .Must have been really hungry and now its secret is revealed ... Leave it to the humans to spoil everything.
This amateur video taken in Kiryat Yam ,Isreal in 2013 shows what appears to be a seal like creature sitting on a rock . The two hikers who took this video are seen to be discussing about the creature thinking it to be a seal .
Their surprise and shock is relevant when they realise that they are mistken.The creature quickly disappears into the sea leaving both the hikers and us as well in a bit of a dilemma .
What is that thing???
Well many researches have been done on this video with many claiming it to be a mermaid . You decide.
The ocean is quite a mysterious place which humans haven't explored properly so there might be some truth ....But
SERIOUSLY MERMAIDS ..You'll be saying that there are Dragons in the world also ..
2:- Dragon
I had to say this before . Before you dismiss this thought as being completely crazy (which it is ) I suggest you see this video .
IF you saw the video I apologise for the language used .
This video , shot in Truro , England shows what is allegedly said to be a dragon leaving many scientists bewildered at the discovery..
The mystery has confounded the scientific world with no one able to clearly explain the creature in the video . Dragon or not this creature is indeed a mysterious one
The mystery has confounded the scientific world with no one able to clearly explain the creature in the video . Dragon or not this creature is indeed a mysterious one
The guy speaking in the video clearly sums up my feeling on this topic. So the next time you enjoy a dragon roasting somebody in Game of Thrones remember it might come for you someday...
1:- Angel
CCTV's are installed to have a better surveillance over an area . What this mall owner in Cilanak Town Square in South Jakarta didn't know that this cctv would in fact capture an.....angel???
If you look at the video you see a winged creature appear for a few seconds ,touch the ground and then fly away .People are seen running towards the spot a few moments later . So was it an angel or not ??
This questions has not been answered till now and the above video was taken on 11 September 2011.
What's left now ..Is Godzilla real as well...
All these creatures have been seen and in some cases captured on video as well . Many of these are supposed to be mythical creatures but I believe that there is always a strand of truth in any myth . These creatures may exist or not but always remember that anything is possible in a world as mysteriously strange as ours.
Since there are many more entries into this particular list I'll be writing about them in the coming future ....
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