The waves calmly coursing along the sides ..The breadth of the sea wind gently stroking the face .... The ship slowly moving towards the picturesque sunset with the vast expanse of ocean ahead of it ..... These are the images which comes to one's mind when we think of a cruise journey ..( Along with Titanic )
The journey on a ship is quite pleasant (unless if you're seasick and you throw up every few minutes ,then it feels like hell). However what happens when something unexpected comes up (not an iceberg , Titanic Fans ) . Be it bad weather or haunting or strange disappearances here I look at 5 of the most mysterious ships ever found on earth.

In June 1947 frantic Morse Code messages were received from Ourang Medan. The messages stated
The journey on a ship is quite pleasant (unless if you're seasick and you throw up every few minutes ,then it feels like hell). However what happens when something unexpected comes up (not an iceberg , Titanic Fans ) . Be it bad weather or haunting or strange disappearances here I look at 5 of the most mysterious ships ever found on earth.
5:- Mary Celeste
Possibly one of the first disappearances of the famous Bermuda Triangle .The Mary Celeste has quite a unique tale . On 4th
December, 1872 this ship was found stranded at sea with its crew mysteriously vanished . The entire provisions including the alcohol and personal belongings of its crew were found untouched . The ship carried 6 months of virtually untouched food and water . This was surprising as the ship had been at sea for just one month . Various conspiracy theories have been stated with sea monsters and aliens predominating them .Today ,the fate of the Mary Celeste's crew remains one of history's most famous and puzzling maritime mysteries.
So I get it . Since nobody could quite explain the disappearance ... People blamed the aliens and the famous Bermuda Triangle came into existence ...Good Job everyone ....Now let's create one at the spot where MH 370 vanished ...
The Baychimo was used to trade pelts for provisions in the Inuit settlements of Canada , so it was no stranger to icy conditions . This 230-foot cargo steamer had just been freed from a pack of ice a week earlier when it got stuck even worse on 8 October 1931 leading to most of its crew abandoning it with 15 of the crew remaining . They decided to wait out the winter nearby in a wooden shelter that they built themselves.
A blizzard stuck on November 24 and the ship vanished .The remaining crew assumed it to be sunk so imagine their surprise when they found this ship 3 days later ,45 miles away from the spot. They took their belongings and abandoned it thinking it would not last the winter.
Surprisingly the ship was found floating 3 years later by the same crew when they were on a journey to Canada .
Some of them took charge of it and decided to return to Sweden . However the crew vanished along with the ship.
The ship was then found 1 year later quite intact adrift at sea with no sign of its crew.
In-fact many reported sightings of this ship was seen for the next 3 decades . The last supposed sighting was in Alaska in 1969 after which this ship supposedly vanished into thin air ...
In 2006, the Alaskan Government began an operation to locate the ‘The
Ghost ship of the Arctic’ but, to date, they have been unsuccessful.
Is this ship sunk or still floating ..
Maybe it will show off another of its reported sighting this year..'
If only the manufacturer's of Titanic had used the same material to make it we would not have that quite emotional romantic Titanic movie ...which won plenty of Oscars except the best actor one (Poor Leonardo)
3:-Lady Lovibond
The ultimate bridal present which turned out to be quite deadly for a lot of people leaving a massive haunting .
On 13 February 1748 Simon Reed took his new bride Annette aboard his ship ,the Lady Lovibond for a cruise of Portugal . His first mate John Rivers , was madly in love with Reed's wife .Overcome with jealously ,he took the wheel at night and steered the ship towards the Goodwin Sands . All souls were lost.
50 years to the day ,2 separate ships witnessed a phantom ship sailing the Goodwin Sands .. On 13 February 1848 locals saw a ship wreck on the area .When they went to investigate the ship had disappeared .
In 1948 the ship was seen by Captain Bull Prestwick who described it as having an eerie glow .The ship was again spotted in 1998 by some locals . The ghost ship of LAdy Lovigood makes it journey every 50 years so the next one would be on 13 February 2048.
Why every 50 years ??
Did Reed marry at the age of 50 ?? Or was his first mate 50 years old ??
The ship will definitely appear but its about time somebody asked the ship or its occupants
Why a time gap of 50 years ???
Any volunteers...
2:-Ourang Medan
In June 1947 frantic Morse Code messages were received from Ourang Medan. The messages stated
" All officers are dead .Possibly whole crew dead ."
The second and last message read
" I die "
Promptly many ships hurried to the location of Ourang Medan . After several hours the SIlver Star reached on scene . A small team from Silver Star boarded the ship and found quite a disturbing scene .
On the bridge where a radio was playing they found many dead corpses of officers and the captain of the ship . Along with this was a dog standing on all four legs ,frozen and snarling into thin air. All of these bodies seemed frozen in place looking upwards ,their arms outstretched , mouths gaping and a look of immense horror on all their faces .
A trip to the communications room revealed the author of the SOS messages , also dead,his hand still on the keys ,eyes wide open and teeth bared . There was no sign of wound or injuries on the body.
Before the team could explore any further an explosion ripped the ship necessitating them to abandon it .Within minutes the Ourang Medan sank to the depths of the ocean .
The mystery regarding the deaths of the crew of Ourang Medan still remains with many claiming they were carrying an unknown object with ghosts and aliens coming frequently into the discussions.
Well aliens or whatever did all this conveniently allowed the Morse codes to be sent ...allowed the Silver Star ship team to embark the ship and see the bodies before blowing it up ..
Couldn't they just blow up the ship when they killed the rest ???
Or was this a demonstration from that thing/aliens about what it could do ??
You decide .
1:- The Flying Dutchman
Yes ,Yes ,Yes .Let it sink in for a moment .
The Flying Dutchman !!!! The ship made famous by The Pirate of The Caribbean movie franchise is infact a real ship.
The story goes, a Dutch East India Company ship, while rounding the treacherous Cape of Good Hope encountered a severe storm . Rather than heading for a safe harbor the Captain Van Der Decken swore he would maintain his heading till Judgement Day .
The ship vanished into the storm never to seen again or was it?
Many have claimed to see the Flying Dutchman including future King George V of England who saw it off the coast of Australia in 1881 and his brother Price Albert Victor of Wales. In 1939 this ship was seen at Muinzenberg . In 1941 a crowd at Glencairn Beach saw a ship with wind -filled sails which vanished as it was about to crash onto the rocks .
The seeing of The Flying Dutchman is seen to be a bad omen among sailors with misfortune striking those that witness it firsthand. So on a cruise just watch out or you may see it and suffer the misfortune that follows it.
Does the Captain of the ship have a tentacly- face like in the movie .. So if you see the ship just try to see the face of the Captain and inform us !!!
All these ships have a certain mystique around them .Except the Ourang Medan , the rest are still there floating in the uncharted waters so beware when you travel by sea you may see one of them...
Many claim these to just be stories .They might be right or wrong its difficult to judge but always remember anything is possible in a world as mysteriously strange as ours.
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