Coincidence ..
The occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection . .
Coincidences are common in our everyday life with many instances but throughout the course of history there have been some which are out-rightly freakish . Here I look at 5 of the most mysterious coincidences of history.
Damn !! These details are specific .. The only thing left is a love story which stretches into a movie of more than 3 hours and the male actor being played by a man who just can't win an Oscar.....

In Monza , Italy , King Umberto 1 , went to a small restaurant for dinner accompanied by General Emilio Ponzia -Vaglia .When the owner of the restaurant took his order The king immediately recognized him as he and the owner were virtual doubles both in face and in body. Both began discussing their similarities and found out many more similarities :-
The occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection . .
Coincidences are common in our everyday life with many instances but throughout the course of history there have been some which are out-rightly freakish . Here I look at 5 of the most mysterious coincidences of history.
5;-The Futility of Titanic
In 1898 writer Morgan Robertson wrote a novel called Futility which described the maiden voyage of a luxury ship called the Titan that sinks .The book was published just 14 years before the Titanic sank and the similarities between them are astounding. Some of them are
- In the book the Titan was called unsinkable so was the Titanic
- Both ships were British owned vessels
- Both were around 800 feet long
- Both hit the obvious iceberg and sank
- In the book the Titan sank at midnight in April , 400 miles from Newfoundland.The Titanic sank around midnight on 14 April 1912 , 400 miles from Newfoundland.
- The Titan had 3000 passengers and not enough lifeboats while the Titanic had 2207 passengers and well you get the idea.
Damn !! These details are specific .. The only thing left is a love story which stretches into a movie of more than 3 hours and the male actor being played by a man who just can't win an Oscar.....
4:- Capuchin Monk
In 19 th century Austria a near famous painter named Joseph Aigner grew disgruntled with his life and attempted to hang himself to death . As he prepared to commit suicide he was interrupted by a mysterious Capuchin monk . The monk counseled him out of committing suicide .
A few years later Aigner (now 22) again tried to commit suicide but was talked out of it again by the same Capuchin monk.
8 years later Aigner was sentenced to death for political activities . Just a day before his hanging he was reprieved by none other than the Capuchin monk.
At the age of 68 Aigner finally got what he wished for . He shot himself with his own pistol . His funeral was conducted by ......... Yes you guessed it........ the same mysterious CAPUCHIN MONK a man whose name Aigner never knew .
Quite the counselor ... Who wouldn't want a mysterious counselor who would prevent you from taking the extreme step !! Wait a minute ...... How did the monk knew when Aigner would try to commit suicide .
Was the monk following him around always ??? Creepy Thought ...
3:- Revenge Killing
In 1883 Henry Ziegland broke off a relationship with his girlfriend who out of distress , committed suicide . The girl's enraged brother hunted Ziegland down and shot him.
Believing Ziegland to be dead , the brother then took his own life . However the bullet only grazed Ziegland's face lodging into a tree.
Years later Ziegland tried to cut down the tree with the bullet . The huge tree was so formidable he decided to blow it up with dynamite .
The explosion propelled the bullet into Ziegland's face killing him instantly.
I guess this gives a new meaning to the quote
" Revenge is a dish best served cold'.
2:- Royal Coincidence
- Both men were born on the same day, of the same year, (March 14 th ,1844)
- Both had been born in the same town
- Both married a woman with the same name ,Margherita.
- The owner opened his restaurant on the same day King Umberto was crowned King of Italy.
This coincidence gets more creepy as
On 29th July 1900 King Umberto was informed that the restaurant owner had died that day in a mysterious shooting accident and while he expressed his regret , The king was then assassinated by an anarchist in the crowd.
So basically the only thing you have to do to kill a king is to find his virtual double and kill him . So automatically the king will be killed as well...... Sweet
1:-Twin Brothers and Twin Lives
In 1940 two identical twins were separated at birth and adopted by different families . From here starts a long list of "so called " coincidences:-
- Unknown to each other both families named each boy James
- Without knowing each other both boys grew up pursuing a job in law enforcement
- They both had skills in mechanical drawing and carpentry .
- They both married a woman named Linda
- Both had two sons named James Alan and James Allan respectively
- They both got divorced
- They both remarried a woman named Betty
- And they both had a dog named Toy.
This was all discovered when when they were reunited 39 years later in 1979. Just imagine their meeting each other ,they practically knew everything about each other.
I'm speechless!!!!
Many times we pass by coincidences in our life but their always remains an element of mystery to them ..
How could such things happen so accurately ????
Is it really coincidence or something else ???
These are some questions which may never be sufficiently explained .
The above instances may seem far fetched in some cases but always remember anything is possible in a world as mysteriously strange as ours .
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